First Row: Lora Bergfeld, Linda Hemmen, Kelsey Goeckner, Jane Lustig, Amanda Baltzell, James Schultz, Marty Watson
Second Row: Beth Meyer, Jenny Tarr, Leah Zerrusen, Lindsey Francis, Mary Deters, Amy Zumbahlen, Tom Hootselle
Last Row: Joyce Flood, Dustin Hakman, Becky McLeod, Lindsey Platz, Lori Bierman, Audra Collins, Deb Wendt
Employees of Dieterich Bank presented a check to James Schultz, Campaign Chair, and representatives from United Way of Effingham County.
Corporate and Employee donations raised during their 2019 campaign totaled $11,500. This is a 49% increase from last year.
22 local Partner Agencies receive funding from the Effingham County United Way campaign.