United Way of Effingham County held the kick-off luncheon on Tuesday, August 28th at the Effingham Event Center for those businesses interested in conducting an employee campaign. Businesses heard from this year’s “Lead Pacesetter” Company – Siemer Milling Company who shared their success stories and plans for their upcoming campaign.
Patrick Kreke, Campaign Chair, announced the goal for the 2018 campaign has been set at $315,000. Twenty four local partner agencies will receive funding from the 2018 – 2019 campaign: Altamont After School Program, Andrew Gobczynski Big Heart Foundation, Big Brothers Big Sisters (Mid Illinois), Boy Scouts – Lincoln Trails Council, Catholic Charities, CEFS Literacy Program, CEFS Retired Sr Volunteer Program (RSVP), Child Advocacy Center of East Central Illinois, Crisis Nursery, Effingham Child Development Center, Effingham County Fellowship of Christian Athletes – Greater Effingham Area, FISH Human Services, Effingham County Search & Rescue, Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois, Heartland Human Services, Meals on Wheels of CEFS, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of Effingham County, One Hope United, Oneighty, SAFE (Sexual Assault and Family Emergencies), Senior Services of Effingham County, STAR (Strategic Training and Restoration), SWAN (Stopping Woman Abuse Now) and the Unit 40 Mentoring Program.
Altamont After School Program and Crisis Nursery are new to the partner agency list this year.
To learn more about conducting an employee campaign, or if you would like to know more about United Way of Effingham County please call (217) 342-3824.